Culture of Homelessness Case Study

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Since the introduction of Measure 110 in Oregon, the rate of homelessness has increased significantly, making Oregon have the nation’s highest chronicle homeless, according to the 2022 Oregon Census data. The number of unintended opioid overdoses in 2019 was 280 deaths, by 2022 that number had risen to 955 annually, according to Oregon Health Authority. In combination with the decriminalization of all drugs and the devastation of the Pandemic on the economy, the homeless rates were bound to rise in Oregon. Many individuals have been left homeless due to lack of employment, drug addiction, and/or mental health issues. A subset of the unsheltered population also migrated to Oregon because of the legalization of hard drugs. This has resulted in tent cities all over major metropolitan areas throughout Oregon.

In this Case Study we will address the culture of homelessness and what it means to be unsheltered. We will discuss how this impacts individuals’ ability to meet their basic needs. We will address the comorbidities within the unsheltered communities, including mental illness and addiction. Last, we will address how these issues directly impact the healthcare system and how nurses working with this population can implement specific safety measures.


  1. See unsheltered/homeless through the lens of culture.
  2. Understand biases that prevent this population from escaping the cycle of homelessness.
  3. Review how to address Maslow’s hierarchy of needs within this culture.
  4. Review street drugs and their effects
  5. Review common mental health issues associated with the unsheltered
  6. Review common health issues associated with the unsheltered
  7. Review the cycle of violence, rape, molestation, and self-esteem
  8. Review how to interact with the unsheltered in various settings as safely as possible.


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